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Deadly Space Stories: A.I. Gone Bad

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Space... deadly place...
On a spaceship AI gone bad
and kill all the crew.
They are coming to earth!

You are send via portal to
stop them.

Your mission is to collect 3 pda’s
and destroy the mainframe computer.

Good luck!


* 3 Weapons:
- Blaster
- Autoslug
- Assault Rifle

* Awesome 3D Graphics
* Intuitive controls that are easy to pick up and play
* Lot of levels to play
* Good Sci-Fi Story
* Lot of shooting

*wasd* = move
*mouse* = shoot
*mouse wheel* = weapons
*esc* = menu
*tab* = menu
*r* = reload
*shift* = run
*f* = pick up item/interact
*g* = grenades
*v* = melee
*x* = prone
*ctrl* = crouch
*space* = jump



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