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How many people speedrun OvO?
At the time this was written, there have been almost 30 OvO speedrun attempts! Times keep on getting better and better with newer updates, and currently, the fastest glitchless run is just under 6 minutes. However, there should be no expectation for you to come anywhere close to that time.

Our recommendation? Just have fun, and your times will start naturally getting faster and faster. If speedrunning really is your thing though, you’ll probably have to play OvO several hundred times if you hope to beat the record.

Use the on-screen buttons to move and jump. Tap the down arrow while running to slide. Jump while sliding to go further in the air. Tap the down arrow while you are in the air to smash, which lets you go through transparent platforms.

You can also jump higher by jumping right after you smash, or by standing next to a wall while you jump. Do a wall jump by tapping the up arrow while sliding down a wall.

Reach the flag as quickly as you can. Grab the bonus coins to unlock skins which you can select on the main menu.



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