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Speed Boat Extreme Racing

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Get ready! An extreme race is beginning with the super speed boats! Would you like to participate in the races with your boats? Would you like to do free drive and stunt with your boats? You have two options Free Drive and Racing in this game. You can play these modes in single-player mode and in two player mode.

Single Player Mode:
*WASD* or *arrows* = move
*f* = nos
*r* = restart
*t* = look back
*c* = switch camera position

Two Player Mode:
Player 1:
*WASD* = move
*f* = nos
*r* = restart
*t* = look back
*c* = switch camera position

Player 2:
*arrows* = move
*k* = nos
*o* = restart
*l* = look back
*p* = switch camera position



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